Ted Cruz drops out of presidential race – POLITICO

Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential race on Tuesday night, ending one of the best-organized campaigns of 2016 after a series of stinging defeats left Donald Trump as the only candidate capable of clinching the nomination outright.

via Ted Cruz drops out of presidential race – POLITICO

It’s a shame to see Cruz turn in the towel. I may not be the biggest Cruz fan, but I admired that he gave The Donald a strong run for his money. No surprise that Kasich is still sticking in the race, he’s long been past a normal path to the nomination, and is betting on winning it at the convention. It looks like Trump will be the Republican nominee, and Clinton will be the Democrat nominee. It truly is an awful election season. I don’t think that their could be two people that are just such awful choices for both parties.

VP Choices

With the general election around the corner much of the political talk lately has focused on who the candidates from both parties should chose for their vice-presidential nomination. It looks like this year’s general election is going to be quite close, and I don’t think it’s as one-sided as the media has been saying lately.

It looks like on the Republican side that Donald Trump will be the nominee.Trump has turned off so many voting groups, that his vice-presidential nomination will be very crucial for him.Trump has an approval rating of 7 percent with African Americans, 15 percent with Latinos, 24 percent with women and 31 percent overall, according to an April 14 ABC News poll. 

Here are a few choices that could seriously help boast the Trump ticket come November.

Marco Rubio

Rubio is young, hispanic, and currently the senator of Florida, a key swing state in the upcoming election. He would be able to help solidify Florida as Trump territory. Also he would be able to help Trump mend ties with the establishment.

Jim Webb

Trump could make history with this nomination. He would become the first presidential nominee to run with someone from the other party. It would show that he is willing to work with the Democrats. This could result in a huge attract of independent and dissatisfied democrats.

Susana Martinez 

She is currently the governor of New Mexico. She would be able to appeal to women and latino voters, two of the groups that hate Trump the most.

It looks like on the Democrat side Hillary Clinton will be their nominee. Clinton is not much better off with Trump and she has turned off quite a few key voter groups.

Here are several choices that could seriously help boast the Clinton ticket come November.

Elizabeth Warren 

Warren would allow Clinton to rebuild some of the cred that she has lost with Bernie supporters. Also these two could then run a female issue based campaign and attack Trump’s sexism head-on.

Julian Castro 

Castro would be able to help Clinton attract younger voters as well as Hispanic voters. Also he would show that Clinton is willing to add fresh blood into her administration.

Jim Webb

This one might be hard since Webb has recently endorsed Trump over Clinton, but he would be a great running mate if Clinton can change his mind. He would be able to help Clinton appeal to more conservative working class voters.


Opinion: Why You’re Already A Conservative Even If You Don’t Realize It | Gradient

Embrace free enterprise and reject cronyism… Promote upward mobility… Provide solutions for those stuck in poverty… Offer a tax code that rewards hard work, not the well connected… A strong and focused military… A health care system that promotes choice and flexibility… A secure border… A government that allows people to fulfill the American idea – that the condition of your birth does not determine the outcome of your life.

Whether you consider yourself a Republican or a Democrat, a conservative or a progressive, you probably find yourself nodding along with a lot of that.

Welcome to the conservative movement. Looking forward to rolling up my sleeves alongside you and serving together.

via Opinion: Why You’re Already A Conservative Even If You Don’t Realize It | Gradient

Really great read on what it means to be a conservative. Lately being a conservative, has almost become a sin with our awful people like Ted Cruz or Donald Trump representing us conservatives. I always am trying to shine a more positive light on conservatism because most people believe in small government in some way. I think that us conservatives should focus more on the positives of being a conservative. We can no longer be the group that just says no and refuses to do anything. We should be able to counter the ideas and policies of the democrats because our policies will win out in the end. America loves conservatism, but not the kind of conservatism that the republicans have been promoted lately.

Trump, Clinton preview general-election bout – POLITICO

Trump resurrected his line that Clinton will only be able to play the “women card” and began referring to her as “Crooked Hillary,” while Clinton likened her would-be opponent to an online bully and urged Americans to “stand up” to him.

via Trump, Clinton preview general-election bout – POLITICO

If you think the primaries have been tough, just wait until after the conventions, that’s the real game-time.  I can’t even imagine how negative and childish this general election is going to be. I mean just look at the two candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, could you seriously pick any two worse candidates. I’m curious how much lies these two will be able to get away with during the debates. I’m curious if Donald Trump posses the ability to debate a seasoned politician like Clinton. I’m curious to see just what Trump’s tactics for the general election are after seeing his unconventional primary campaign.



Bill O’Reilly puts a name on Donald Trump’s VP short list – POLITICO

“There’s only one choice for vice president if Donald Trump wants to win the White House. Only one person. Do you know who that is?” the Fox News host asked former White House press secretary and current colleague Dana Perino during a segment on his Thursday night show.

O’Reilly dropped the name: “Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico.”

via Bill O’Reilly puts a name on Donald Trump’s VP short list – POLITICO

Not the slightest O’Reilly fan, but an interesting pick from O’Reilly. If Trump hopes to win in the general election, he must be able to somehow make up all of the lost ground he made with minority voters. She’s a pretty conservative governor too. I don’t think she’ll end up being Trump’s pick, but she should. Trump really has to pick a game-changer for VP if he has any hope of winning in November. He will need as much help as possible to win, and the governor can do just that. She would also be able to help sway female voters.

Trump’s Biggest Lie

“What if Trump runs third-party!? He could tank the Republican nominee out of pure spite! He would split the vote! He would ensure a Hillary Clinton presidency!”

Yes, he would. But no, he won’t.

Trump won’t run third-party, because he can’t… he’s too poor. And yes, you read that right –Trump doesn’t have the money for a third-party run.

Here’s the thing – a lot of numbers have been thrown around by the mogul about his net worth, and 28he seems to have settled on the jaw-dropping figure of $10 billion. And sure, a person with $10 billion to burn could mount a national campaign with (relative) ease. But Trump arrives at this figure through a generous self-assessment of the value of his “brand” (i.e. the word “Trump”), and Forbes estimates his actual net worth at around $4 billion. And remember, “net worth” doesn’t mean “cash in the bank.”

Which leads us to Trump’s personal financial disclosure to the FEC, which revealed that he has cash and marketable securities in the neighborhood of…

Wait for it…

$300 million.

via Who cares if Trump won’t support the Republican nominee. He’s too poor to run on his own – LincolnGazette

Very interesting article that explains why Trump actually won’t run independent. It turns out that Trump might actually not be the extremely rich businessman he’s been trying to sell us on. I mean I wouldn’t expect the guy that sold steak at the Sharper image to really be as rich as he claims he is. I wonder what else Trump has been lying about hmm. I feel bad for the Trump fans that continue to keep being fooled into buying into the Trump brand. Just imagine what this man would lie about if he was the President of this nation. The scariest thing is the alternative is Hillary Clinton who somehow competes with Trump for flip-flopping and lying.

A Distant Second at Home, Marco Rubio Ends a Disappointing Campaign – The New York Times

Marco Rubio tried everything to project experience and statesmanship. He held forth on the intricacies of Middle East geopolitics. He rattled off the dangers of a nuclear-armed North Korean dictator.

He even heeded his aides’ urgings to wear business suits, not boyish fleece pullovers.

But voters were unmoved. Where his campaign saw a potential president, the Republican primary electorate did not.

via A Distant Second at Home, Marco Rubio Ends a Disappointing Campaign – The New York Times.

Really great article by the New York Times on the dropout of Senator Marco Rubio. It’s sad to see such a promising young senator have to drop out for someone like Trump to lead the party. This election has really changed the GOP’s conventional wisdom considering that Rubio was thought of as our next leader during the rise of the Tea Party in 2010. I don’t think this is the last time that we will hear from the young senator, and I feel like next time around he will be so much more of a threat. With Rubio dropping out it has really complicated who I support since now both Rand Paul and Rubio are out.

Meet the GOP Mega-Donors of the 2016 Election | Rolling Stone

The big money coursing through American politics in the current primary contest is shattering all records. Through March 10, more than $245 million in Super PAC money had been spent on the 2016 presidential race, compared to less than $80 million at the same point in 2012
“What’s going on in the 2016 election is completely unprecedented,” says Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21, a top campaign-finance watchdog. “Citizens United has turned our political system into a sandbox for the wealthiest people in the country to play in — and that’s what they’re doing.”

via Meet the GOP Mega-Donors of the 2016 Election | Rolling Stone.

Very interesting look into all of the big names that have been bankrolling these candidates. It’s crazy to think these people can throw away so much money, and still they’re being beat by Trump is so crazy. I kind of feel bad for these donors, but at the same time they did ruin the Republicans this season. Also you always have to watch and make sure the businesses do not get too strong. Take a look and see which of these names surprises you. It is crazy to think that all of these people have such a huge influence over our elections.

Still don’t think Trump could win? We’ve elected xenophobic presidents before | James Nevius | Opinion | The Guardian

The 1824 election killed the Democratic-Republicans as a political party; 2016 may well kill the Republican party as we know it. Where Jackson had his Trail of Tears, Trump will have his Mexican wall; where Jackson dismantled the Second Bank of the United States, Trump might take on the Federal Reserve. Jackson – even when he was right – bullied members of Congress, and Trump will undoubtedly do the same. Some of Jackson’s racism can be explained away by the times in which he lived. But what about Trump’s?

via Still don’t think Trump could win? We’ve elected xenophobic presidents before | James Nevius | Opinion | The Guardian.

Hmm never thought of this comparison before, but it does make a lot of sense. It is really scary just to think the kind of damage that Trump can do to this country, and if he really is the next Jackson it really worries me. Jackson may quite possibly have been the worst “jobs president ever” as Trump might say so this should certainly make people worry even more if Trump is the next Jackson. I also will be personally disgusted if it gets to the point of where I have to see that smug fake smile and fake hair on the $20 bill.

Moments in this election that really make me question being what’s wrong with our candidates


The 2016 election has really made me question many times just what’s wrong with our candidates, but there have been some moments that have just left me awestruck.

Now I could teach an entire class on the stupid things these candidates have done, but there have been a few moments that really make me question what is wrong with these men.

Trump Decides to Make Fun of Disabled Reporter

I mean c’mon how is this the man that average republicans feel is the solution to all of our problems. His supporters always say that Trump “tells it like it is,” but I don’t see how him insulting a disabled reporter is anything other than him just being a prick.

Trump wants to BAN ALL Muslims from the US 

This is just so wrong on so many different levels. First off he literally is proposing to violate our 1st amendment freedom of religious rights. This also is just such a stupid idea what makes Trump think that terrorists would not just start to lie about their religion to get in. Also there’s the fact that Islam is the world’s second largest religion with about 1 billion members, so it would discriminate a huge part of the global population.

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